Proposed Topics

Students should visit Prof. Hess during the consultation (office) hours (Thursday 2-4 pm) with proposed topics of their own.
You are welcome to send your own topics to Prof. Hess in advance by email. During the consultation hour, the topics will be narrowed down.

Supervision Guidelines

No idea of a topic yet? Try  taking a look at trade &  agriculture-related press and daily newspapers for articles that arouse your interest.

  • Why are farm visits by elementary schools so seldom?
  • Is the conversion to organic milk production profitable? Case study of a conventional dairy farm.
  • Which challenges does climate change pose for German dairy farms?
  • Would pig farmers pay for consultants in order to get QS certified?
  • Food waste in family households: Reasons and potentials for waste reduction.

For further examples see also Bachelor Thesis

Examples of completed master thesis

(more examples on the German page)

  • Hedonic Price Analysis of Boarding Horse Stables: Evidence from Northern Germany
  • Water, Smallholders and Food Security in Ethiopia
  • Small-scale versus large-scale cocoa farming in Cameroon
  • The Role of Agricultural Commercialization for Smallholders Productivity and Food Security-  An Empirical Study in Rural Ethiopia
  • Off-Farm Income and Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia- A stochastic Fronier Analysis
  • How Could Agricultural Trade Between Ukraine and The EU Benefit From Institutional Harmonization? A Regression Discontinuity Approach

For further information contact Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess